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The Institute of Administrative Law
The Institute of Administrative Law
TIME: 2019-07-15|CLICKS:

In terms of teaching and research, the CUPL has a commanding lead over other Chinese universities and colleges in Administrative Law research, because of the Institute of Administrative Law (IAL). Founded in the 1980s, the IAL is the main academic base for Administrative Law studies to be carried out, and with the help of its many experts and talented members, the IAL has made long-standing and outstanding contributions to the CUPL’s teaching and research. It has also provided constant intellectual support to the advancement and implementation of the state’s Administrative Law.

The IAL include 10 professors, 2 associate Professors, and 2 assistant Professors. The IAL is responsible for the teaching of the undergraduate course, which includes Administrative Law and Administrative Litigation Law, Case Study of Administrative Law, Seminars of Administrative Law and Administrative Litigation Law, State Compensation Law, Roman Pubic Law, Introduction to Party Regulations, and the Civil Servant Law. As well as this, the IAL provides postgraduate training in Administrative Law, Administrative Litigation Law, Comparative Constitution and Administrative Law, Legal Problems of the NGO, Administrative Law in Traditional China, Classic Reading, Public Administration, Thematic Roman Public Law Studies, and American Federal Land and Natural Resource Law. The IAL also offers doctoral degree training, which includes courses like Fundamental Theories of Administrative Law and Supervisor’s Guidance etc.

Over the past few decades, the IAL members have published more than one hundred books, including monographs, translations, compilations, and text books. Moreover, the IAL has received university and provincial awards, and organised a series of lectures, which included “Public Law and Governance” Lectures, “Public Law and Governance” Youth Forums, Sino-Netherland Public Law Conferences, and Sino-Italian Administrative Law Symposia, which are of academic importance at home and abroad.